www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Altair Chimica S.p.A.
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Información sobre

Altair Chimica S.p.A.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Altair Chimica has been the first European KOH producer to fully convert to mercury-free membrane cell technology (2005-2008).

The new mercury-free chlor-potash plant of Saline di Volterra, build on green field to avoid any potential mercury contamination, was the first one in Europe and, from a technological point of view, among the most advanced in the world for the production of very pure potassium derivatives.

The new plant allowed over time to cut electricity consumption by 30% and water consumption from the river by 40%: since then, more than 50 Mio € were invested over the last 10 years to increase production capacity and efficiency, to obtain continuous quality improvements, such as chlorates contamination control, and develop new products to extend the product range.

Dirección Altair Chimica S.p.A.
Via Moie Vecchie n.13
56048 Saline di Volterra (PI), Italy
Telefono +39 0588 9811
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