www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Zirax, LLC
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Información sobre

Zirax, LLC

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Zirax is one of the leading oilfield chemicals producer and service organization focused to develop, produce and market range of production and stimulation chemicals as well as Calcium Chloride based brine fluids for oil drilling, completions and work over services.

Zirax is integrated calcium chloride producer, manufacturing and supplying technical, food, road and oil drilling synthetic calcium chloride grades (96-98%) for our customer base globally.

Zirax is engineering company offering services to engineer build and operate calcium chloride plants globally from liquid to pellets. Our services may include pre-engineering study, basic engineering, expertise and training, as well as off-take services from the new capacities to be build.

Dirección Zirax, LLC
Svetly Yar district
404171/Volgograd, Russia
Telefono +7 (8442) 494-999
Fax +7 (8442) 494-999
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