www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Dinaco Importacao Comercio S.A.
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Información sobre

Dinaco Importacao Comercio S.A.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
We provide customers with raw material solutions for the cosmetics, household, flat and rubber industries based on the strict ISO 9001 quality standards. We offer a wide range of products that contain important differentials for their formulation.

Through efficient logistics, we have our own inventory with capacity to serve the various areas of Brazil, providing products for companies of all sizes. Dinaco operates with the most important brands in the market in the following segments:





Dirección Dinaco Importacao Comercio S.A.
Rua do Ouvidor 50, Floors 9
Rio de Janeiro, CEP, 20040-030, Brazil
Telefono +55-21-3147-3317
Fax +55-21-3147-3346 / 2224-9369
Enviar email

Su solicitud a Dinaco Importacao Comercio S.A.
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