www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Brasquim
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Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
For over 20 years, Brasquim imports and markets the very best in the world market of raw materials for cosmetics special. We represent highly reputable companies such as BASF, Gattefossé, RITA Corporation and Bayer. The Brasquim account structures with independent and dedicated to industries and pharmacies. It has a commercial department dedicated exclusively to cosmetic market and able to meet all the national territory.

The Brasquim has its own laboratories for developing formulas with adequate infrastructure to international standards of quality and high-tech equipment. We will offer our customers technical support in developing their projects. The formulas developed by Brasquim processes follow strict quality control, ensuring that our customers have what is best in cosmetic specialties

Dirección Brasquim
Rua Morretes, 225
Sta. Maria Goretti - CEP 91030-300, Brazil
Telefono +55 51 33612357
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