www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Maprimed S.A.
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Información sobre

Maprimed S.A.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Maprimed S.A. is an Argentine company that develops and produces active ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry.

It was established in 1970 by Roemmers S.A., a leading pharmaceutical company in Argentina.

In 2005 the 50% of Maprimed S.A. was acquired by the international healthcare group Chemo S.A., engaged in the production and distribution of pharmaceuticals.

Its present manufacturing plant is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina and it is operational since 1983. The plant was ISO 14001:2004 certified by Det Norske Veritas B.V. (accredited by DNV Certification B.V., The Netherlands) in April 2005.

Maprimed S.A. works under a cGMP program and it was inspected by several companies and worldwide Health Authorities, such as FDA and TGA

Dirección Maprimed S.A.
Av. Directorio 6155
C1440ATA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Telefono + 54 11 4630 1512
Fax + 54 11 4630 1535
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