www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a IMCD Group B.V.
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Información sobre

IMCD Group B.V.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
IMCD Group is a leading network of companies in marketing, sales and distribution of specialty chemicals.The group offers its services through its offices and warehouses located in 17 european countries and Australia/New Zeeland. To our pharmaceutical customers we are able to offer a wide range of products : binders, controlled release agents, disintegrants, fillers, preservatives, emulsifiers, antifoams, flavours, solvents ... Based on our long term, complementary and transparent relationships with our principals. IMCD has also a dedicated technical staff in China and India assisting us in sourcing reliable and qualified manufacturers for active pharmaceutical ingredients, fine chemicals and intermediates.

Dirección IMCD Group B.V.
Wilhelminaplein 32
Rotterdam, 3072 DE, The Netherlands
Telefono +31 10 2908684
Fax +31 10 2908680
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