www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Maruzen Petrochemical Co. Ltd.
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Información sobre

Maruzen Petrochemical Co. Ltd.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Maruzen Petrochemical is a chemical producer that develops, produces and sells petrochemical products and, in petrochemical industrial operations, which is our line of business, we purchase naphtha obtained by refining crude petroleum from oil companies in Japan and abroad and develop and commercialize products including ethylene, propylene and the other basic petrochemical products that are the raw materials of plastics, synthetic fiber, synthetic rubber, coatings, etc., as well as functional raw materials with value added fractions.
These serve as the basic materials for products that are essential in our everyday lives such as automobiles, housing, household appliances, computers, fiber, miscellaneous goods and optical materials. We are committed to promoting research and product development in order to be able to continue providing multi-function high-function raw materials geared to the diversifying needs of society while contributing to industry and the lives of the people.

Dirección Maruzen Petrochemical Co. Ltd.
1-1, Irifune 2-chome, Chuo-ku
Tokyo 104-8502, Japan
Telefono +81-3-3552-9361
Fax +81-3-5566-8391
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