www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a BASF Italia S.p.A. (BTC Chemical Distribution Unit)
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BASF Italia S.p.A. (BTC Chemical Distribution Unit)

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
BASF products are the protagonists of Italian agriculture for many years. In 2000 it was incorporated BASF Agro, a company dedicated to the agrochemical business, which is committed to operate directly on the Italian market.

Since 2005 BASF Agro it has been part of Italy as BASF Crop Protection Division, becoming one of the major companies operating in the crop protection sector throughout the country, with a starring role in the defense of important crops for our country like grapes, fruits, rice and vegetable.

Dirección BASF Italia S.p.A. (BTC Chemical Distribution Unit)
Distributor of BTC Europe
Via Marconato 8
20031 Cesano Maderno, MI, Italy
Telefono +39 0362 5121
Fax +39 0362 512.847
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Contactar a Ms Silvia Brunazzo

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