www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Eurocolor Spa
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Información sobre

Eurocolor Spa

Tipo de compañía: Empresa de importación y exportación
Eurocolor Spa, which was founded in 1969, produces organics substances for dyeing natural, artificial, synthetic skins, paper and wood fibres.
The growth achieved in terms of both quality and quantity over the last thirty years is the result of a policy of costant investment to enable the company’s technical and productive resources to be steadily expanded.Our Quality Control and Development Laboratory adopts the most sophisticated dyeing and analysis equipment and ,thanks to expert staff who are continuously developing new products, the company can satisfy a market that requires colorants with hight performance and reliability.

Dirección Eurocolor Spa
Via Emilia Ponente 593
48014 Castel Bolognese, Ravenna, Italy
Telefono +39 0546 650 011
Fax +39 0546 656 305
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Contactar a Mr Giordano Lazzarin

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