www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a EcoSynthetix
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Información sobre


Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
EcoSynthetix is a renewable chemicals company specializing in biomaterials that are used as inputs in a wide range of end products. Our commercial bio-based products exhibit superior performance compared to petroleum-based products and other bio-based materials at a reduced cost.

Our strategy is to leverage renewable technology to commercialize a broad spectrum of bio-based products across a number of industries. While our technology platforms offer a significantly reduced carbon footprint, we market our products to customers on the basis of better value: competitive cost, stable pricing and enhanced performance.

Dirección EcoSynthetix
3365 Mainway
Burlington, Ontario L7M 1A6, Canada
Telefono +1 289-878-0286
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Su solicitud a EcoSynthetix
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