www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Eigenmann & Veronelli S.p.A.
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Información sobre

Eigenmann & Veronelli S.p.A.

Tipo de compañía: Productor químico a granel
Distribution and Agency

Eigenmann & Veronelli with its sales and marketing activities operates on account and in the interest of principals.
With its distribution and agency activity, Eigenmann & Veronelli represents the best sales channel through which manufacturers of chemicals can follow and work on local markets, by guaranteeing highest quality levels in terms of assistance, professional competence and compliance with the local regulations.

Toll manufacturing

As support of production strategies of its principals, Eigenmann & Veronelli provides service, thanks to its chemicals facility, by producing on their account.

Dirección Eigenmann & Veronelli S.p.A.
Via della Mosa, 6
I-20017 Rho (MI), Italy
Telefono +39 02 93539-1
Fax +39 02 93539-300
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Contactar a Mr. Nuno Rodrigues

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