www.BuyersGuideChem.com - Solicitud / mensaje a Air Water Inc.
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Información sobre

Air Water Inc.

Tipo de compañía: Productor
Chemical materials used for materials of various products are something we do not see in our everyday life. However, they play a variety of active roles by changing their appearance and shapes, such as in the form of resins, fertilizers, automotive parts, rubber, agrochemicals, pharmaceutical products and electronics materials.
Air Water produces high value-added chemical materials based on our “coal chemical” technology to separate and refine the active ingredients found in coke from steelworks. The pillars of the business are “coal chemical” which manufactures tar-derived chemical products and “fine chemical” which manufactures pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates and electronics materials. By utilizing our production bases across Japan and abroad, we respond to all levels of materials development needs of our customers.
Air Water Inc. ofrece 46 productos químicos. Puede ver la lista de productos

Dirección Air Water Inc.
Fine Chemicals Department
20-16, Higashi Shinsaibashi 1-chome
Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan
Telefono +81-3-3578-7844
Fax +81-6-6252-3965
Enviar email
Contactar a Kritika Pandey

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